Welcome to our ninth newsletter for 2024.
We have returned from our European trip, exhausted but happy. All went well, and everyone returned home safe, well and overweight (especially me, and Pat's suitcase). Thanks to the instructors that filled in for Liz and I while we were away. The Xmas social date has been changed to the 1st December. We also have a potential special event for any people considering one of our future holidays (see below).
Information below on:
- 2024 Regular Socials
- Class Changes
- European Holiday Report
- LDSA Egypt/Jordan/Türkiye Holiday 2026
- Future LDSA Holidays
- Dance Floor Etiquette
See you on the dance floor,
Liz & Peter Heath and the Instructor Team
2024 Regular Socials
Our venue has informed us that (as happened last year), they have double booked our Xmas social date, so we have been forced to change it to the 1st of December rather that the 8th of December.
This years remaining social dates are:
29th September, 3rd November, 1st December
The Address is: West Croydon and Kilkenny RSL, 19 Rosetta St, West Croydon
Dancing Starts at 1.30pm and concludes at 5pm at a cost of $15 (cash only).
NOTE: For the last couple of years, the resident cook/chef Ivy and her team have been providing meals available prior to the social. The prices are very reasonable and the food delicious. However the support for these meals is inconsistent and is not proving particularly viable for them. She has decided to continue the meals for the foreseeable future, but will reassess on a social by social basis. If you want it to continue, please join us from midday.
ALSO NOTE: If you bring food/nibbles to the venue, please be discreet about it and don't put it on the table till the kitchen has closed as a sign of respect to Ivy's cooking.
NEXT YEAR: We may be running a Sunday Evening Social on the 3rd March for some visiting USA line dancers, so put it in your diary just in case.
We are in Instructor holiday season. Even if your regular instructor is away, please support the relief instructor as it is a difficult task to look after someone else's class, and they are going out of their way to do so.
The following changes are happening as specified:
- Seaton Tuesday Night Transition class closed 19th & 26th November.
- Fullarton Monday Evening Easy class closed till further notice (lack of attendance)
All other classes are business as usual. Most classes will shut for the Xmas break by 8th December, and resume 3rd February, but some classes may run later and start earlier.
19 of our dancers, relatives and friends have now returned from our European River Cruise holiday. Apart from a couple of travel hiccups and health bugs gathered along the way, all went well and everyone returned home happy and very tired. We need a holiday to recover from the holiday LOL.
- Our plane from Doha to Prague was left out on the tarmac in 42 degree heat for too long, so we couldn't board it till they had run the air conditioners to cool it down, causing a 2 hour delay to that leg of travel. When we arrived in Prague, it was in the middle of a electrical storm, and the ground crew were not allowed to go out and disembark the plane till the lightning stopped... another hour delay. Needless to say we missed our planned night cruise on the river. Fortunately thanks to late night phone calls from Australia, our travel agent was able to postpone the cruise till the following day.
- Our 7:08 am, 3.5 hour, train trip from Amsterdam to Paris was cancelled due to a earlier suicide by train incident. The next 2 trains were fully booked and the next available one with seats was at 4pm, which would cause us to miss a food tour and Moulin Rouge performance. We decided to board a full train, and many were forced to stand up for the whole or part of the trip, but we got there in time for both activities.
- We did lots of walking (15K - 20K steps per day), which was fine, but most was on cobblestones, which made it tough on ankles, feet and Achilles tendons (Peter is still limping). Advice: take real good supportive walking shoes/sandals.
- Beware the bicycles... if you stand on, or in, a cycle way, you will get taken out, they do not even slow down.
- Everyone uses the wrong side of the road, cars, pedestrians and even on the escalators LOL.
- Some of us were lucky enough to get tickets to go up the Eiffel tower. The view was spectacular, and we even met some Para-Olympic athletes also sightseeing.
- The Viking cruise could not be faulted. The food, accommodation, staff, amenities and tours were simply amazing. So good we are planning more (see below).
- A few of us were lucky enough to get tickets to a classical music concert in Vienna. It was mesmerizing.
- The Moulin Rouge stage show was spectacular, with amazing costumes, beautiful dancers, and acts that put Cirque Du Soleil to shame. Well worth doing if you get a chance.
- So many different castles, churches and monasteries along the rivers, and in the cities and towns. They are so full of history, legends and artifacts.
- Especially for those that hadn't been on a Segway before, the opportunity became a highlight of the trip.
- The Palace of Versailles and the adjacent gardens were spectacular with awe inspiring opulence and majesty. If you go there, hire a Golf Cart to get to see more of the gardens that you would run out of time to see otherwise.
- The village and castle at Cesky Crumlov in the Czech Republic were idyllic, and the shops etc beautifully quaint.

a typical view from our cabin window.
Prague at sunset on our delayed evening river cruise.
One of the myriad of castles visible as we cruise the Rhine River.
Our intrepid travellers on the Viking longboat stairs.
LDSA Egypt/Jordan/Türkiye Holiday 2026
This holiday is likely to include the following:
- Nile River Cruise in Egypt (probably with Viking)
- Giza Pyramids and Sphinx, Egyptian Museum in Cairo
- Abu Simbel Temples, Valley of the Kings, Karnak Temple, Luxor in Egypt
- Petra, Dead Sea in Jordan
- Tour of Istanbul including Hagia Sophia Mosque, Grand Bazaar and Basilica Cistern in Turkey
- Ancient city of Troy (Hisarlik) in Turkey
- Anzac Cove in Turkey (Maybe Anzac Day, but unlikely)
If you are interested in joining us, please send me an email at peter@linedancersofsa.org with your name (and names of any others that you think might be interested) and any suggestions you may have for items on the itinerary. We already have about 14 people interested.
Having recently been on a Viking cruise, we are very impressed with the company (they own the ships and employ the staff, not leased and contracted), so are leaning towards using them for the Egypt river cruise. The ships are small, and very popular, so we are going to have to do deposits very soon to secure sufficient cabins.
We have discovered that Turkey is a large country and a destination in its own right. We are not going to be able to do the whole country justice in the time and budget we have available, so will have to cover a few of the highlights only on this trip.
The cost and itinerary are not yet locked in, but the cost is hopefully around $19K and the length will be about 30 days within April/May/June of 2026. Due to the volatility of the political environment in the middle east, and the general age of our customers, we are going to pick reputable suppliers, and high end accommodation to ensure our safety and comfort. It will not be a cheap holiday, but it will be very memorable.
FUTURE LDSA Overseas Holidays
We are hoping to host an event on Monday 14th October, in the early evening, along with our travel agent and a representative from Viking, to provide more information about what we are planning in the next few years. This event will give any interested attendees the opportunity to quiz the travel consultants and us about any issues or questions you might have. This event will be customised to our future plans, and is not a general travel meeting.
Liz and I have been organising holidays abroad since 2006. Each of them have been places that we ourselves wanted to visit, and then have invited anyone that wants to join us, to share the cost of private tours and customised itineraries that are only available if you have a private group.
They are not line dance holidays (very rare there is any line dance content), but line dancing gives us the opportunity to gather together like-minded people and single travellers, and provide an opportunity for others to travel with experienced organisers they know and trust, and then we look after any issues that may crop up on behalf of the whole group. We never visit a destination a second time (unless it is an airline travel hub), as there are too many places in the world that we haven't been to repeat anything.
So far we have taken a group tour to: Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, Borneo, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam, South Africa (Johannesburg), Botswana, Zimbabwe (Victoria Falls), Mauritius, South Western USA, China, Eastern USA, Eastern Canada, Peru, Chile (Santiago), Argentina, Brazil, Near South Pacific (Cruise), New Zealand (Cruise), Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Panama, Southern Caribbean Islands (Cruise), Papua New Guinea (Cruise), Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Netherlands and France (Paris).
We did our first ocean cruise together in 2016 and took 75 people to the South Pacific on that occasion. Since then we have taken groups on three other ocean cruises and found them to be a good vehicle to see coastal parts of the world in comfort and safety.
Having now been on a Viking river cruise in Europe, we were so impressed with the company that we have plans for three more trips with them. Egypt is already in the pipeline for 2026. We are considering a Mediterranean cruise for 2027, and a Scandinavian cruise for 2028. If you are interested in either of these, please let us know.
Liz and I are planning on doing all three of these trips, whether others want to come or not. If you join us, you will share our experiences and our knowledge of travel, its pitfalls and its opportunities.
Dance Floor Etiquette
As there are a number of new people that have joined us this year, and after witnessing a couple of close calls, I feel it is important to remind you all of some rules of the dance floor.
- If you decide to leave the dance floor for some reason, please go to the closest side of the floor from where you are (without walking behind people if possible) and then make your way to your destination AROUND the OUTSIDE of the dance area. Do not walk through the dancers and risk tripping them or you.
- Please have your phones on silent or vibrate, unless you have cleared it with the instructor (emergency's occur, but if you are expecting an important call, have the phone on your person so you can deal with it quickly). Chirping or ringing phones are a distraction, and letting them ring out is also disrespectful of your fellow dancers. Taking a call and chatting while walking off the dance floor is even more disrespectful.